Communication Therapy

The Communication Therapy Service provides integrated services with the transition curriculum to support the overall functional communication skills such as directing personal care, advocating for one’s needs and desires, and participating in community life.   A licensed and certified Speech and Language Pathologist staffs the department.   Students are seen for a Communication Assessment upon admission to ICRE-R.  Therapeutic services are provided individually or in small groups or within a classroom setting.

Communication Skills assessment and treatment involves the following distinct skills:


Language Skills

Language includes a student’s ability to use words to express needs and ideas or to understand words that others express to them. It includes understanding the meaning of words and how to put words together in messages. At a more complex level, language involves the ability to understand and use word combinations appropriate to specific situations. If a student does not understand language, it is a receptive language problem. If the student has difficulty sharing thoughts, ideas, and needs, it is an expressive problem. 


Augmentative Communication

Augmentative Communication is a system or device used to support a student’s communication when he/she cannot speak orally. An augmentative communication system may use any of the following: gestures, sign language, symbols, a word board, or an electronic device. The system used depends on the skills of the student and is very individualized.


Functional Communication Skills

Functional Communication Skills are also included in this service. Students receive assistance in skills such as directing others in their personal care, developing personal advocacy skills, and facilitating creative expression.

Each student’s communication goals are integrated into the ICRE-R Transition Program. As some students also receive therapy in the community, the ICRE-R Communication Therapy Service works closely with community resources.

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