Nursing Service

ICRE-R’s Nursing Service is comprised of Registered Nurses directed by Cheryl Hamilton Nursing Administrator. Nursing Services are available 24 hours a day, during school days. The Nursing Service works closely with the Medical Service, and acts as a conduit between the students and Medical Service.

  • Medication and Appointment Management: Students are taught to follow a medication schedule. They learn about their medications and side effects. They are encouraged to make their own appointments for Medical Services, as well as for medical specialists in the community, when needed, under the guidance of the Nursing Service.
  • Bowel/Bladder Management: Students who need these programs may be encouraged to drink additional water/fluid and to have a diet that includes fiber and/or prune juice on a regular basis, they may have scheduled toilet and/or catheterization times, some may need medication, etc. Appropriate students may be trained to self catheterize.
  • Diabetes Management: Students with this need are taught to recognize signs and symptoms of hyper/hypoglycemia, and appropriate actions to take to regulate their blood sugar. They may also be taught diet management and exercise programs to help manage their disease. Medication management would be included as part of this program.

The ultimate goal of the Nursing Service programs is for each student to have the tools needed to manage his/her personal healthcare needs when they transition out of the program.

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