Last IEP from High School


 A student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in high school faces many new challenges upon graduation. Addressing these in the last IEP can help a student make a successful transition from high school to the adult world. Illinois requires that a transition plan be included in the student’s IEP at age 14 ½. Before the plan is written, the student’s goals and dreams need to be known. The plan must have specific, measurable and relevant student goals in the areas of training, education, employment and independent living. The plan must also include transition services needed to help the student reach those goals. IEP transition goals can include: training in life skills, vocational skills, social skills, workplace etiquette; job shadowing, work and volunteer experiences and taking public transportation

Things to be done now:

  • Become informed about parental/guardian rights and the student’s rights and have a discussion about the future.
  • Plan ahead and get the transition plan in the IEP as soon as possible.
  • Ask for an updated assessment to be completed of the student’s disability, as well as their specific needs for accommodations and support
  • Be assertive in talking to the school; parents and the student should discuss needs and goals with the transition team.
  • While visiting colleges, visit the Disability Student Services offices to determine if the school has assisted others with a similar disability, as well as their policies.



Special Education Clinic Helpline at Equip for Equality: Empowering Parents to Advocate Effectively for their children;,

The Transition Team from your student’s high school

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